Fit XR
Extended Reality (XR) app til fysisk træning
Indeholder forskellige træningsaktiviteter: "SLAM" er en innovativ, aktiv spiloplevelse, der kombinerer intensiv træning med spilelementer tilpasset dine omgivelser igennem XR. "Sculpt" tilbyder styrketræning med lav impact inspireret af barre og pilates, mens "Dance" indeholder dansetræning. "HIIT" udfordrer din smidighed og udholdenhed, og "Box" lader dig træne bokseteknikker i en virtuel ring.
(EN) Fit XR
Extended Reality (XR) app for physical training
Includes various training options: "SLAM" is an innovative, active gaming experience that combines intensive training with gameplay elements adapted to your environment through XR. "Sculpt" offers low-impact strength training inspired by barre and pilates, while "Dance" is training through dancing. "HIIT" challenges your agility and endurance, and "Box" lets you practice boxing techniques in a virtual ring.