Score Amazone Balance
Ergonomisk stol med anatomisk formet sadel-sæde

Denne ergonomiske stol er et anatomisk formet sadel-sæde, som vipper bækkenet, så rygsøjlen holdes i den optimale siddestilling. Det giver dig både en god arbejdsstilling, og samtidig er den rigtig behagelig at sidde på. Beregnet til dem, der har et stillesiddende arbejde, eller som har behov for at række sig ind over en briks for at give en patient behandling.
Den justerbare balance-mekanisme sikrer, at sædet følger de bevægelser, som brugeren laver, mens stolen bruges. Denne aktive måde at sidde på øger blodcirkulation og styrker dine rygmuskler.
Sccore Amazone Balance (EN)
This ergonomic chair is an anatomically shaped saddle seat that tilts the pelvis to keep the spine in the optimal sitting position. It gives you both a good working position and at the same time it is really comfortable to sit on. Intended for those who have a sedentary job or who need to reach over a bed to provide patient care.
This ergonomic chair is an anatomically shaped saddle seat that tilts the pelvis to keep the spine in the optimal sitting position. It gives you both a good working position and at the same time it is really comfortable to sit on. Intended for those who have a sedentary job or who need to reach over a bed to provide patient care.
The adjustable balance mechanism ensures that the seat follows the movements the user makes while using the chair. This active way of sitting increases blood circulation and strengthens your back muscles.
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Sidst opdateret: 27. oktober 2023