Active EasyRiser
En helt ny generation af smarte løftestole
Stolen hjælper dig med at komme op at stå på en tryg måde. Når du læner dig forover, aktiveres løftefunktionen og EasyRiser giver den nødvendige støtte, så du selv kan rejse dig.
EasyRiser har ligeledes indbygget dæmper, som gør, at når du sætte dig ned i stolen igen, så følger stolesædet dig ned, så du undgår at “falde” ned i stolen. Højden på benene kan indstilles til den enkelte bruger.
Fås i 3 størrelser: under 60 kg kropsvægt, 60-80 kg, og over 80 kg.
EasyRiser (EN)
Part of a whole new generation of smart lifting chairs. The chair helps you get up to a standing position in a safe way. When you lean forward, the lift function is activated and provides the necessary support for you to stand up by yourself.
The chair also has a built in attenuate function, that enables you to sit back down without “falling” into the chair, as the seat follows you on your way down. The height of the chair is adjustable by individually adjusting the legs of the chair.
Comes in 3 different sizes according to user weight: under 60 kilos, 60-80 kilos, and over 80 kilos.