Afdækning af om droner kan bruges til inspektion af kommunens bygninger
Målgruppe: Aarhus Kommune, Magistraten for Teknik og Miljø.
Udviklingsstadie: Afsluttet VTU-projekt (Velfærdsteknologisk Udviklingspulje).
Description: The aim of the project was to identify how drones can be implemented in building inspections. The Municipality has approximately. 3,500 buildings, all of which must be inspected on a two-year basis. Conventional methods are a challenge for the inspectors who often have to workl in impassable places using lifts, ladders, scaffolding and the like. Dronesyn (Drone Inspection) is expected to save money in the longer term and raise the quality of the building inspections. Drones inspections might also detect small anomalies in time before they develop into serious damage to the building. The team behind the drone experiment recommends that drone inspection is put into operation.
Target group: Aarhus Municipality, Department for Technology and Environment.
Development stage: Completed project.