Måler døgnrytme, søvnmønster og aktivitetsniveau
Målgruppe: Primært borgere med demens.
Udviklingsstadie: Er evalueret på tre plejecentre med 31 beboere. Resultater herfra viste at systemet kunne optimere ressourcer på tidskrævende uro- og døgnrytmeskemaer for plejepersonalet. For beboere bidrog og inspirerede teknologien bl.a. til ændringer i handleplanerne med nye pædagogiske og plejefaglige tiltag.
Demos-10 (EN)
Function: A sensor-based solution that provides care staff an overview for the day and sleep rhythms and activity level of the citizen. A sensor is applied to the citizen with a patch. The sensor sends data about the citizen's body composition around the clock through an app. The patch is replaced after 4 days. In the app, the caregiver receives a 24-hour report showing whether the citizen is lying, sitting, standing or walking, and whether the citizen is calm or uneasy. The purpose is to provide nursing staff with objective data on citizens' well-being, so that they can optimize the care of the individual citizen.
Target group: Primarily citizens with dementia.
Development stage: Has been evaluated at three care centers with 31 residents. The evaluation results suggest that staff could optimize resources on demanding turbulence and daily pace schedules for the caregivers. For residents, the technology contributed and inspired, among other things for changes in the trade plans with new pedagogical and nursing initiatives.