Trafikinformation til cyklister i Aarhus
Målgruppe: Cyklister og kommunen.
Udviklingsstadie: Projektet er under udvikling og cykeltagget er derfor en prototype.
Bicycle tags (EN)
Description: The Centre for the Use of the City of Aarhus Municipality conducts this project about information about traffic for cyclists. In the future cyclists can attach a “biketag” on the saddle of their bicycle. This tag functions via bluetooth and provides information to intelligent traffic systems about speed and normal routes. This way, you will be able to receive information about traffic and find out where there are traffic congestions. The intention is to create dynamic information boards in the city with relevant info. The project will collect input from citizens about which type of information they want on the information boards.
Target group: Cyclists and Aarhus Municipality.
Development stage: The project is under development and the bicycle tag is a prototype.