Har du problemer med at bære en fuld kop eller glas uden at spilde?

SpillNot er en lille gyro-bakke med en strop, der gør det muligt at bære koppen/glasset helt uden at spilde.
Glasset placeres blot på bakken, og du holder i stroppen og begiver dig afsted. Der medfølger en lille skridsikker måtte, som sikrer, at koppen bliver, hvor den skal.
Do you ever have problems when carrying a full cup or glass? This could be caused by different things such as shaking hand, spasticity or visual impairment.
SpillNot is a little gyro tray with a strap, that makes it possible to carry the cup or glass without spilling.
Just place the glass on the tray, hold the strap and walk. With the tray comes a little slip free mat, to secure that the cup stays in place.