Sarita CareTech - Pearl
En broche med indbygget faldalarm og GPS-sporing

Målgruppe: Mennesker med demens eller har tendens til faldulykker, deres pårørende eller sundhedspersonale.
Udviklingsstadie: Brochen forhandles til det offentlige marked i dag, og forventes forhandlet til det private marked til sommer 2019.
Function: Do you know anyone who feels unsafe because of the risk of falling who might need a security alarm? With Sarita Pearl, the person who has it can press the button and get help at any time. In addition, the brooch also has a fall sensor and GPS tracking - and two-way communication. Safety zones can be created where an alarm is sent to staff or relatives ift the citizen wanders outside the safety zone.
Target group: People with dementia or who with a tendency to fall, their relatives and/or their staff.
Development stage: The Sarita Pearl is on the public market, and will be in the private market this summer 2019.