Forebygger og advarer om utilsigtede hændelser

Målgruppe: CARIOT kan anvendes både i private hjem, i plejeboliger, på plejeinstitutioner og på hospitaler, hvor overvågning kan optimere velfærd.
Udviklingsstadie: Løsninger til telemedicin, tandbørstning og hydrering kan købes. Andre løsninger videreudvikles.
Function: The only product on the market to offer access to all leading telemedicine and welfare technology products through LoraWAN, 4G and WiFi.
You plug it into the electrical outlet and it will automatically find all the monitoring devices. In case of lack of tootbrushing, threatening dehydration, fall accidents, night walking, missing medicine or other unintended events, data will be sent to the staff screen and/or relatives.
Target group: CARIOT can be used both in private, care homes and in hospitals, where monitoring can have potential for optimize welfare.
Development stage: Solutions for telemedicine, toothbrushing and hydration can be purchased. Other solutions are further developed.