Variér Move stå-støtte-stol
Stolen, der følger dine bevægelser
Med denne ståstøtte stol er du aktiv, samtidig med at du sidder ned. Med 360 graders bevægelsesfrihed er det helt sikkert, at denne højdejusterbare stol har en position, der passer til dig.
Denne fleksible ståstøtte stol er udstyret med en graderet diskformet fod, således at dens hældningsvinkel kan følge din krop i en lang række stillinger. Du kan derved øge vinklen mellem din overkrop og dine lår - det letter belastningen for din ryg og nakke.
Er velegnet til stillesiddende arbejde eller til folk, der har brug for en stol med fleksible arbejdsstillinger.
Variér Move chair (EN)
With this chair you are active while sitting down. With 360 degrees of movement freedom this height-adjustable chair is sure to have a position that is right for you.
This flexible chair is equipped with a graduated disc shaped foot so that its tilt angle can follow your body in a wide variety of positions. You can thereby increase the angle between your upper body and your thighs - it relieves the strain on your back and neck.
Suitable for sedentary work or for people who need a chair with flexible postures.
With this chair you are active while sitting down. With 360 degrees of movement freedom this height-adjustable chair is sure to have a position that is right for you.
This flexible chair is equipped with a graduated disc shaped foot so that its tilt angle can follow your body in a wide variety of positions. You can thereby increase the angle between your upper body and your thighs - it relieves the strain on your back and neck.
Suitable for sedentary work or for people who need a chair with flexible postures.
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Sidst opdateret: 25. oktober 2024