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Time Travel Aarhus

Billederne er et mix af det gamle og det nye Aarhus


    Time Travel Aarhus er en fotoudstilling af Ripudaman Singh. I hvert billede er der et ældre billede til stede, taget fra en offentlig database samt et nyt billede taget mellem 2013 og 2015.

    Disse sammensatte billeder giver os muligheden for at rejse i tiden og opleve, hvordan vores by har forandret sig over årene. Fotoudstillingen blev første gang vist i Musikhuset i februar 2015, og er siden blevet vist i Bruuns Galleri, på Aarhus Universitetshospital og på Statsbiblioteket.

    Time Travel Aarhus (EN)

    Time Travel Aarhus is a photo exhibition by Ripudaman Singh. The pictures are a mix of old Aarhus and the new Aarhus. Each picture is based on an older picture taken from a public database in combination with a new image taken between 2013 and 2015.

    Ripudadam Singh's pictures give us the opportunity to travel in time and experience how our city has changed over the years. The photo exhibition was first shown in the Music House in February 2015 and has since been exhibited in Bruun's Gallery, at Aarhus University Hospital and at the State Library.

    Sidst opdateret: 9. januar 2025