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En web-app, som er en platform om seksualitet og handicap


    Udviklet af Sammenslutningen af Unge Med Handicap (SUMH).

    Unge med funktionsnedsættelser har mulighed for selv at skaffe sig viden om kroppen, følelser, kærester og sex uden at skulle være afhængig af personale eller pårørende.

    Der er fire overordnede emner: Kroppen, Kærester, Sex og Seksuelle overgreb, som hver indeholder flere underemner. Videoer, illustrationer og tekst forklarer et kompliceret emne på en let måde. Det er muligt at få læst op.

    (EN) Ligelyst - EqualDesire

    Did you know that 42% of people with a mental disability have no sex life - this applies to only 13% of people without a disability?
    This is a platform developed by the Danish Association of Young People with Disabilities. It deals with sexuality and disability. The association works to ensure that all young people have the same opportunities in all aspects of life, including, of course, sexuality. Since 2010, they have worked with large development projects on sexuality and disability. In addition to an app, they have developed educational material.

    Sidst opdateret: 9. januar 2025