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ByLink Roomie

Multibord til sundhedspersonale og borgere


    Roomie er et multibord udtænkt og designet af sundhedspersonale til sundhedspersonale. Bordets form og funktioner understøtter personalets behov for fleksibilitet og korrekt arbejdsstilling i forbindelse med dokumentation og borgernær pleje. Samtidig gør Roomie borgeren mere selvhjulpen, da de nemt kan mobilisere bordet og benytte det som sengebord over kørestolen eller lænestolen f.eks. i spisesituationer eller ved andre aktiviteter.

    (EN) ByLink Roomie

    Multi-table for healthcare professionals and citizens.

    Roomie is a multi-table conceived and designed by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals. The shape and functions of the table support the staff's need for flexibility and correct working posture, in connection with documentation and citizen care. At the same time, Roomie makes the citizen more self-reliant, as they can easily mobilize the table, and use it as a bedside table or over the wheelchair or armchair for instance while eating or doing other activities.

    Sidst opdateret: 18. december 2024