Rehab Lab
Rehab Lab is a free offer for you who want to start designing your own aids. The lab is run by DokkX in collaboration with the MarselisBorg Centre.

Do you have entrepreneurial dreams? Do you have a challenge that you cannot find an existing solution to? Or do you have a small addition or personalization to your aid?
In Rehab Lab you have the opportunity to learn how to design and 3D print your own solution.
All you have to do is bring your own computer, and we'll be there for you.
Knowledgeable staff will be present with advice and guidance. You are offered guidance in idea generation, design and construction based on your own ideas or challenges / needs. You will be central in your own task, where the guidance is adapted to you.
Rehab Lab is not a regular workshop or a teaching offer; it is you, your idea and motivation that determines how far you reach!
Where and when?
the MarselisBorg Centre, Evald Kroghs Gade 16, 8000 Aarhus C in the Green Living Room
Every Thursday from 10.00-12.00
Do you have questions?
Call DokkX on +45 51 57 68 62.